The last two hurricanes that were predicted to likely hit the east coast dissipated to tropical storm status before they hit the USA. If they had hit, with our economy the way it is, how much help could have been given to people to rebuild? It is my prayer that people on the east coast got down on their knees and thanked God for saving them from the hurricanes.
If you haven't thanked God, why not? People ask God for things each and every day. When they get what they prayed for and they are happy as clams, do they thank God? If not, why not? If you helped a person out continually and never got thanked, how eager are you going to be to help them the next time? Why should God be any different? He already has more patience with us than we do with each other.
Please, when you ask for a blessing, please, please thank God when you receive it. It is the very least you can do!
The Road Less Traveled
9 years ago