Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Merry Christmas.

I wish my friend here on Has Jesus Crossed your Path Today, a VERY Merry Christmas. And I pray that we all remember it's not the presents but the "presence" of Christ in our celebration that is important.

Here is an older article I wrote about who I think is the Best Gift Giver.

God: The Best Gift Giver

Merry Christmas to all of you!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Father, Speak to My Heart and Give Me Faith to Respond

What a wonderful article. I hope all will read this and walk away understanding that if we let Him, Father will use us and use us well. Thank you so much Michael.

Father, Speak to My Heart and Give Me Faith to Respond by Michael Hollingsworth

Saturday, December 12, 2009

This is the Day that the Lord Has Made ; Let Us Rejoice and Be Glad in It. Psalms 118:24

Feeling discouraged? The Lord has an uplifting message for you. In this article, the author tells you how this verse Psalms 118:24 has helped her get through each and every day.

This is the Day that the Lord Has Made ; Let Us Rejoice and Be Glad in It. Psalms 118:24

Friday, December 11, 2009

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Blessings on Thanksgiving Day.

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving. Families get together for a meal and to enjoy each others company. Not every family has the luxury of bringing everyone together. Some families have lost family members and are experiencing their first Thanksgiving without that loved one. Some families have people in them that have heads and egos beyond limits and are hard to get along with. Some families are experiencing hard times and need help, not just for Thanksgiving.

No matter where you fall on this Thanksgiving Day, my prayer for you is that you have a good day. I can't say that without adding that the Lord is with you, whether you have turkey or not, whether you are alone or only feel that way in your family gathering. He is always there and He is thankful for you. After all, God made you and is your Father.

Please give thanks to the Lord for whatever you have. Lean on him if you need to, I know I do plenty of times. Keep the faith, and have a great Thanksgiving Day.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Thanksgiving Thanks - My Thoughts for 2009

Thanksgiving is this week. Are you giving thanks? If so, to whom? Sheryl Young has written a touching piece about giving thanks.

Thanksgiving Thanks - My Thoughts for 2009 By Sheryl Young

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Why Have You Forsaken Me?

Have you ever been in a troubled season and no matter how much you feel that God has not heard your pleas? Eddie Somers has written a beautiful poem summing up these feelings and also showing us where God is in these times. Thanks Eddie!

Why Have You Forsaken Me? by Eddie Somers

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Believing in God. Reading the Bible as a Child Not a Scholar

Believing in God. Reading the Bible as a Child Not a Scholar

Ever feel like you are just not smart enough or good enough to be a Christian? Never fear. You are not alone in your feelings. Maybe the above article will make you feel A-Okay!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Larry David Pees on Picture of Christ. Another Comic Goes Christian Bashing

When are Christians going to stand up and say enough is enough? Larry David must answer to the Lord. We all do. Meantime, there is absolutely no reason for him to defile our Savior. This is not a "funny skit".

Larry David Pees on Picture of Christ. Another Comic Goes Christian Bashing by Sherry Tomfeld

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Family Fun: Bible Trivia Games & Quizzes

Nikki has done several of these trivia games..and they are great fun for the whole family! Please click on the title below and enjoy yourselves. God bless.

Family Fun: Bible Trivia Games & Quizzes by Nikki

Monday, October 12, 2009

Belmont Abbey College Faces Anti-Catholic Discrimination from the Federal Government

Belmont Abbey College Faces Anti-Catholic Discrimination from the Federal Government By Rebecca Caroll

I think we should all take heed. This is just the beginning. Stay true to God and "His" will..not to men's. Thanks Rebecca.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

We're all the Samaritan woman at the well.

We were reading about Jesus and the Samaritan woman at Jacob's well. Jesus knew her and everything about her without her ever uttering a word about herself. He knew that she had had 5 husbands and that the man that she was currently with was not her husband. Jesus knew and yet he offered her what He offers all of us, forgiveness and life eternal.

The woman was naturally shocked by Jesus. Not only that He knew all about her life, but also that He would even bother to talk to her. The woman must have been giddy by the end of the conversation with Jesus. She ran to get her friends and told them all about her encounter with Jesus. The Samaritan people came and asked Jesus to stay for 2 days and He did. Imagine the eyes and hearts that were open.

Would this be a woman your church or you would welcome with open arms? IF the answer is no, the next question has to be why not? I have walked into churches in my lifetime that "felt" immediately as if they were "judging" me. What happens next? People feel so uncomfortable that they leave and unfortunately many walk away from the Word and from Christianity because of it. This is NOT how Jesus would have done it.

One theme that cannot be ignored in the Bible is that of Jesus almost seeking out the poor and the sick. The sinners who are ignored and put down by the "believers". Well, ALL have sinned my friends. And Jesus has shown us more than once that He is for EVERYONE. Who are we or our churches to act superior.. are we superior to Jesus? NO!

I pray that we all will take another look at the story of the Samaritan woman at the well. Jesus was showing us that sin is sin..all sinners can and will be forgiven IF they believe. May we all follow Jesus' example and may we all come to the Word with the innocence and glee that the Samaritan woman did.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Did you thank God that the hurricanes missed us?

The last two hurricanes that were predicted to likely hit the east coast dissipated to tropical storm status before they hit the USA. If they had hit, with our economy the way it is, how much help could have been given to people to rebuild? It is my prayer that people on the east coast got down on their knees and thanked God for saving them from the hurricanes.

If you haven't thanked God, why not? People ask God for things each and every day. When they get what they prayed for and they are happy as clams, do they thank God? If not, why not? If you helped a person out continually and never got thanked, how eager are you going to be to help them the next time? Why should God be any different? He already has more patience with us than we do with each other.

Please, when you ask for a blessing, please, please thank God when you receive it. It is the very least you can do!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Knowing Jesus: Why Should We Know Him?

Do you know Jesus? Really know Him? This is a great article by Eddie Somers that asks this question. And he tells us why and how we can get to know Jesus better. I hope you enjoy this article as much as I did.

Knowing Jesus: Why Should We Know Him? by Eddie Somers

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Flash Fiction: The Answer

Recently I entered a flash fiction writing contest. I wrote The Answer and entered it. The odd thing about The Answer is that it is only fiction until the end times begin. I hope you enjoy reading it.

Flash Fiction: The Answer by Bobby Tall Horse

Friday, July 24, 2009

10 Comforting Bible Verses About Hope

We all have times when things are just tough..we all need some comfort. If you are having one of those times, please check out this great collection of Bible verses and see if you find comfort!

10 Comforting Bible Verses About Hope by Josh Wiley

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Faith-Inspiring Stories: The Trust of a Child

Is your faith "simple"? If not, read this story. Think of how this child stood on faith..should we do less with our father?

Faith-Inspiring Stories: The Trust of a Child by Elizabeth Valentine

Credit: hagit

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Have you thanked God lately? If not, why not?

I was out in the garden, in the onions to be exact. What a bounty! I have never had onions like this before. Big deal? Yes, to us. When we planted the garden I asked for a blessing on it. So that it would feed us and hopefully have enough to share with others. I'm not that great of a gardener, I know my limits. And yet, here are these beautiful onions. I praised God and thanked Him. Why? The bounty was God's to give me and He did.

It seems that people are oh so willing to cry out to God when things are in a mess..I know I do. It seems that when things do NOT turn out the way that they want..they are quick to cry foul against the Lord. Some pray and don't think they are getting anything in return.

I have a question..Have you thanked God lately? Have you gotten up in the morning and thanked God for the mere ability to rise and be in good health? Did you thank God for the breakfast you made or had the ability to buy this morning? Did something great happen today at work or home and you screamed "thank you Lord!" with a huge smile on your face? Did you look at your family last from illness..fed and with a roof over their head and say "thank you God!"?

If not, why not? Do you have a friend or relative that is always asking for help in one way or another? Do they forget to say thank you? Have you given gifts to people with no thank you following it? How did you feel?

I think people forget that God has feelings. Some of gladness, some of sadness, some of anger. Which are you feeding? Are you being a taker of God's gifts without thanks? If so, are you ready to lose those gifts?

I believe there is a point where God gets tired, angry, saddened and discouraged over people being selfish. How long would you put up with it? How long should God put up with it?

Have you thanked God lately? If not .. why not?

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

The Children of Michael Jackson

The children of Michael Jackson seem to have been forgotten. They are brought up to sensationalize the news when it comes to who will raise them or how much money they will inherit. If you saw Michael Jackson's daughter on the tv crying at his passing, does it give you a different perspective?

For all his talents, and there were many, for all his controversies, and there were many, Michael Jackson was a father. Plain and simple, he was a father. And those 3 little kids have lost their father. Those 3 little kids who are in such pain are also privy to the terrible things that are said about their father. How horrible is that?

We as Christians should not be judgmental. Yes, we have faith in a certain way of living, but all faiths don't even agree on that. First and foremost we are supposed to be about our Father's work down here. Are you? Am I?

In situations like this..we need to look at the kids and understand that they are wounded. We need to look at Michael Jackson and know that he loved his kids and would hate to see them go through all of the media's hype after his passing.

I implore you to pray for these 3 kids. Lift them up to the Lord and ask for the protection and peace that can only come from God for them. And, when you hear outlandish things that make you wince and shake your head..remember Michael Jackson's 3 children and keep praying for them.


Thursday, July 2, 2009

A prayer request for some rural folks struck by murders.

It's been a while since I have written on here..and I apologize for that. It seems like I can shove this to the side so easily and yet I know that it is better that I write every day in here.

Today, I come to you to ask for prayers of consolation, peace and yes capture. A small community in South Carolina has been struck with 3 murders. A man in late June and a woman and her elderly mother just lately. The sheriff has told the residents of this rural community to be diligent in their safety. To take precautions until the murderer is caught.

So, I ask you to say a prayer. For the victims, for the people living in the community and for the murderer. May God touch his/her heart and he do no more harm.

Thank you.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Are you hiding your talents?

Pastor Murray was teaching in Matthew. Matthew 25 talks about talents. And I was struck when he said that God would not like us hiding any of our talents. If God gives us a talent, we should be like the servants that took their talents and made double of them. Not like the one who simply buried his talent and did nothing with it.

This all got me thinking about this blog. I tend not to speak out like I should when it comes to religion. Why? because I do not want to be responsible for leading anyone astray. I believe in Jesus Christ and hope everyone turns to Him. Alas, I know that is not the way it is going to go.

So, I have decided to change this blog somewhat. I have decided to share with you my walk with Christ, my thoughts and beliefs from reading the word and hope that you will be driven to go look for yourselves. Find the truth. Don't just believe something that someone says.

Get a good working knowledge of God's word and God's plan. Matthew is an excellent place to start. Matthew 24 tells of the 7 events that will happen before Christ returns. People seem to get fouled up in this. They all think that they are going to "fly away" before things get dicey down here. The anti-Christ comes first..THEN.. Christ returns. I am sure that this subject will surface more than a few times on this blog. FIND THE TRUTH FOR YOURSELF. God wrote us a letter, it's called the Bible.

Meanwhile, if you have a talent from God. USE it and be blessed.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

We Have Promise Upon Promise Upon Promise Forever

J. David Barron has explained the 23rd psalm in this new article. I hope you all enjoy it..and I hope you all take comfort in it. Thanks M. David Barron!!

We Have Promise Upon Promise Upon Promise Forever

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Moral Attitude

When we are thinking our judgmental we ever put ourselves in the other persons shoes? Most times we do not. How many people have each of us hurt in our quest to be "righteous"? Please take the time to read Cathy A. Montville's article :

Moral Attitude by Cathy A. Montville

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Where was God?

Where was God? We always hear that when a disaster of some sort happens. It always pains me to hear people wonder where God is/was. The answer? God is right there..right in the middle of whatever is going on..trying to help those who are in need, those who are searching for Him.

Bad things are in this world..Satan never seems to tire. But, just as tireless is God. And, God is here for us. He's ready to give us courage and strength. He's ready to give us healing and safety. He's right here and He's right next to you..are we acknowledging Him? Are we asking Him for help? Are we asking in faith because we KNOW God is with us ready to help? OR, are we asking in fear and asking "just in case" God is real and we need some help?

Bad things are always going to happen until Jesus comes back. That's just the way it is. But, if you have faith in the Lord, He WILL help you through these times.

Here is a story on the anniversary of what some call the 500 year flood. I hope it inspires you..I hope it shows you what God is doing and where God is when things all around us are going so terribly wrong.

Where was God when the Floods of 2008 Came? by Bobby Tall Horse

Picture by Bobby Tall Horse
Flood waters covering many thousands of acres of farm land near Oakville, Iowa.

Friday, June 12, 2009

The Cross is Still Divine

The Cross is Still Divine by Debby Alten

What a wonderful, thoughtful and uplifting poem. Thanks Debby!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

God's Got Your Back

What a delightful and uplifting thought..God's got your back! This poem by Arkay Evans reminds me of just how faithful God is to us. Even when we are not paying attention, not walking the path, maybe back sliding in our journey of faith..God's got your back. Please read this wonderful poem and enjoy!

God's Got Your Back by Arkay Evans

Credit: Microsoft
© Microsoft

Friday, June 5, 2009


A more powerful poem would be hard to find. I can't even do this poem justice by commenting on it. Please read and absorb :

Daughter by Linda Louise Johnson

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Be Yourself..."Not"

This article by Leroy Hargrove is a wonderful way to take a new look at how we look at we excuse away our non-Christian actions and words. I invite you with a joyful heart to read

Be Yourself..."Not" by Leroy Hargrove

you will be so glad you did!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Murder of an abortion doctor..

I'm sure you are all aware that a famous abortion doctor was recently shot in his church. I admit freely that this case has me caught between right and wrong. But I find it highly ironic. I mean a man gets shot. Why? Because he has committed THOUSANDS of abortions. What is an abortion? It is the killing of unborn babies.

Do I think the doctor should have been shot? No. But, I am pro-life. I think with every fiber of my being that that doctor committed what amounts to a Holocaust on the unborn of this world. THOUSANDS were killed by his hands.

It is rich that people who support the doctor always turn to pro life people and say "hey, if you believe babies shouldn't be killed, how can you think putting anyone to death is okay?" Well, first off..babies are INNOCENT. It's just that simple. They have committed no sin and an abortion doctor is committing murder when he takes their life. Have we become so hardened, so used to hearing lies and excuses that we think what the doctor is doing, by committing abortion, is okay? Can we REALLY find justification? Or, is it all about being selfish. Is it all about convenience? I don't have the answers.

The man who shot the abortion doctor evidently thought he was doing the world ie. the unborn babies a favor. I am sure he will be punished to the limit of the law. It is too bad that people have to take the route of killing a person in order to get that person to stop killing babies.

I hope this is an isolated incident. I hope that as the economy and other woes befall this country, that people of faith will not look at abortion/abortionists and think that that is the way to turn God back towards our country. I do believe that God is furious at this country for allowing abortion to be legal. I do think He will take away the favor that has always been ours to enjoy (and let's face it..take for granted).

We can only blame ourselves for this whole situation. Some were too vocal..some were too silent..and some did not want to be involved at all. We too will reap what we have sown. The doctor of abortion has.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Maintaining Your Faith During the Economic Crisis

It's easy to have faith that all is well and God is great when things are going along smoothly. The trick is to have strong faith in God when things are going wrong. In this article..PL Barlow explains how to hang on to your faith during economic crisis and tough times. It is well worth the read..thanks PL!

Maintaining Your Faith During the Economic Crisis by PL Barlow

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Is God Only Known for What He Does or for What He Is?

This is such an uplifting article by Carolyn Tytler. For me, God is so great that I absolutely cannot get my mind around it all. The wonders of the earth and nature and yes, we humans are all so complex that it boggles my mind. And what boggles my mind more is the love that God has for each and every one of us. And that Jesus was so willing to sacrifice Himself..well, like I say, it's all too much for me. But, I am so glad that God is who He is and that He loves us all. Thanks so much Carolyn Tytler!!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Sin..we all have one is without it..even Christians. But this article on the effects of sin should set us all back and make us realize that God's Commandments were for a reason. His Son Jesus died on that cross because of OUR sin..not His. Please read Ethan Longhenry's article:

Effects of Sin by Ethan Longhenry

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The Hammer & a Screwdriver by Stacy Padula

An interesting look at our roles in doing God's will for us and others. Thanks Stacy!

Monday, May 18, 2009

I think we all have needed encouragement to get into a study routine of the Bible. Read

Develop the Habit of Daily Bible Reading by Anita Knight

and see if it helps you out! Nothing beats spending time daily in the Bible. Enjoy!

The first step is opening up the book and reading one chapter. The second step is doing it again and again each new day.

Credit: Women of Destiny Bible
© Anita Knight

Saturday, May 16, 2009

A great article here about the One who stands near and dear to us always. We are not alone. And if you are a believer in Jesus, there is a responsibility to walk the talk. Thanks J. David Barron!

Our Defense is on Retainer by J. David Barron

Friday, May 15, 2009

Kathryn E. Darden asks what happens when Christians fall? If you are human, even if you are a Christian, it is certain that you will sin. Sin is sin. All humans sin. Christians realize this and they ask Father for forgiveness of their sins.

Carrie Prejean, Miss California, has had the fortitude to put her Christianity first and foremost in front of us. Her photos are hers. We all have our own "photos" to deal with.

Enjoy Kathryn E. Darden's take on this:

Carrie Prejean Miss California - when Christians Stumble by Kathryn E. Darden

Photo of Carrie Prejean Miss California at the 2009 Dove Awards in Nashville, Tennessee. Photo © 2009 by Kathryn E. Darden, all rights reserved. Used with permission.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Faith..a small word perhaps, but what meaning and what gifts when followed through in Jesus' name! This is a wonderful story by Stacy Padula on how her Mom's faith during a medical crisis with Stacy saved her life. Enjoy:

A Threatening Illness Yields a Valuable Lesson by Stacy Padula

Stacy Padula and her father Anthony

Credit: Stacy Padula
© Stacy Padula

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The Bible talks about being equally yoked. I found a story today that a young woman wrote about herself and her spouse. She thought they were equally yoked and found out different. It's a hard thing finally give up on a relationship, but when people believe so differently about religion, sometimes it's just the only thing you can do.

Here's her story:

Spiritual Healing by Wonda Waide

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

1 John 2:18-29: The Antichrists

Look for more articles by myself and other authors regarding the Anti-Christ(s). Here is one such article by Ethan Longhenry. Read it, think about it and by all means get your Bibles out and confirm it for yourself or prove him wrong.

1 John 2:18-29: The Antichrists

By Ethan Longhenry

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Loving Money is Easy

Some think that the only way to get to heaven is to be poor and serving others. Some think that money makes no difference in the journey towards heaven. And, to be honest, some don't care about the subject at all.

I found this article:

Loving Money is Easy

By Heather LaVine

I think Heather does an excellent job on explaining how God looks at money and those who have it. Enjoy the read!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Lead Me to the Rock of Heaven and Earth

Once again Linda Ann Nickerson puts to words what we feel from time to time. Standing up for God and His Son, Jesus is not always popular. We pray that God will give us the strength to stand when we need to. Enjoy Linda's poem.

Credit: "Lead me to the Rock," by Nickers and Ink
© c2009 by Nickers and Ink

Lead Me to the Rock of Heaven and Earth

by Linda Ann Nickerson

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Spiritual Healing: Do You Want to Get Well?

Here is an article about healing by Eddie Somers. I found it to be an interesting take on healing. Look for more articles on healing in this blog, as I think it is one of the most overlooked powers and blessings that has been gifted to us by God through Jesus. Thanks Eddie.

Photo credit: Eddie Somers

Friday, April 17, 2009

The Jailer Jailed

Ever wonder what a man of conscience went through that was a jailer? Linda Louise Johnson gives us an insight on what might be running through a jailer's mind. Please read:

The Jailer Jailed

photo L. Johnson adaptation

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

God Has Lent Us His Divine Teflon

I just ran across this author. Expect to see much more of J. David Barron on here..he gives us a lot to think about with his writing. Enjoy!

God Has Lent Us His Divine Teflon

by J. David Barron

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Who is this man Jesus?

This article by Sheryl Young is so good. Please read, enjoy and contemplate.

Who is This Man Jesus?

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Easter without a Cross?

This is a new writer to me. But, they bring up some very valid points about where our priorities are. Where our hearts are and where truth is. I invite you to read it here..

Easter Without a Cross?

Thank you Bert Botelho.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

A glimpse..

This picture by Kathryn E. Darden and her poem entitled

For Easter: Faint Ray of Daylight

are just beautiful. I hope that by sharing them with you .. you too will feel the wonder, the awe, the precious gift that Jesus gave us that day.

Praise Him! Praise Him!

Thank you Kathryn.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

So near to Easter..our hearts turn towards the Lord. God gave His only begotten Son so that we might once again be with Him. Linda has written this poem. A time of reflection perhaps? I enjoyed it so much that I would like to share it with you all.

Raise Your Palms High

The Christian Palm Sunday celebration marks the Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem (see Luke 19). Worshipers waved palm fronds as He passed. Christians still wave palms to worship the King of Kings, either with palm fronds or simply uplifted hands.

Credit: Palm Fronds for Palm Sunday
Copyright: Public Domain - Wikipedia Commons

Friday, March 27, 2009

The people in the Dakotas, Minnesota, Kansas and other states in the upper Midwest are being brutally hit by weather events. From flooding to blizzards a lot of people are hurting. This is a request for prayers for all who are suffering.

Dear Father,
Please watch over those who are struggling in the weather events of the upper Midwest. They are trying so hard to keep the flood waters back. If it be your will Father, please lead and guide each and every person. Please keep them all safe and free from illness. Please lead and guide those of us who are more fortunate at this time to keep our eyes and ears open as to your will.

We pray these things through thy Lord Jesus Christ name, wanting Your will to be done and not our own. Amen

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Christians Suffering? Not If the Christian is Lukewarm!

Some say we are in the end times. I suppose many have thought that..but current events and events in the Bible seem to be matching up at a mind boggling pace. In these times, should we be asking ourselves what kind of Christian we are? There are Christians that are hot, cold and lukewarm. God warns us about being this article "Christians Suffering? Not if the Christian is Lukewarm" we take a quick look at ourselves.

Please join in with your thoughts!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Christian and Pro Choice..How?

Abortion is still going strong in this country. Now, it would seem that Pres. Obama is going to sign a taxpayer paid for stem cell research bill. Babies are up for grabs and definitely at the mercy of the mother who is carrying them. But, abortion could not have gotten this far if ALL CHRISTIANS would have been in the streets letting their feelings be know years ago.

If you are Christian you MUST be Pro Life..right? Wrong. In the article Christian and Pro Choice..How? many comments at the end of the article are from Christians who state that they are Pro Choice. There reasons vary and are hard for me to digest. I invite you to read them.

I was taught that every life is valuable. Precious. Where did we ever get the idea that it wasn't? And, I wonder how the land of plenty will answer when the Lord asks us what we were doing while babies were being killed.

Tough subject. Please join in the discussion.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

A Most Faithful Boat

Enjoy a soothing poem by Dan. A Most Faithful Boat

Beautiful poem to share..thanks Linda.

I came across this beautiful poem. Please take time to read The Lord's Lamb.

Who is feeding you?

I have another blog about homesteading and homemaking and I was talking about homemade bread as a meal in hard times. That got me thinking about the bread of truth that we are all looking for. Who is feeding you? Are you being fed by a true Pastor? Are you being fed the word of God or are you being fed the thoughts of man?

In these times, we must anchor and armor ourselves in the word of God. A verse or two discussed every Sunday is not going to get me where I want to be. There is a Pastor that teaches the word of God, verse by verse and chapter by chapter. I find myself hungry to hear more.

I stopped going to church. Why? Some talked about what was going on in the news. I could have read my newspaper for that. Some would take 1 or 2 verses and make a 30-60 minute sermon on them. It feels like something is missing when we focus on only 1 or 2 verses.

I am not ashamed to say that I do not understand all that is written in the Bible. But as time goes by, the more I am in the Bible, the more I do understand. In the trials and tribulations of living at this time, I find the word of God comforting and a guiding hand.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Sometimes the path to God is a very solitary one.

I look out my window and marvel at how much God loves us to provide all the things he does. I see a vast sky and trees. I see colors that artists would love to create, but fall just short of. I see nature on this homestead and am in constant awe of it all.

But at times, the path to God can be a very solitary one. Someone else might help "bring" you to God. But the relationship is in your hands and in God's hands. Sometimes friendships suffer, sometimes family members don't understand. Sometimes you have to take stands from a moral and Biblical view and find people can be judgmental about it. And sometimes, I wonder if I will ever "get it right". It's easy for me to say I love God. But what am I willing to give up for Him? Will I choose God over the world? I pray I will. The path to God is littered with temptations.