Friday, March 27, 2009

The people in the Dakotas, Minnesota, Kansas and other states in the upper Midwest are being brutally hit by weather events. From flooding to blizzards a lot of people are hurting. This is a request for prayers for all who are suffering.

Dear Father,
Please watch over those who are struggling in the weather events of the upper Midwest. They are trying so hard to keep the flood waters back. If it be your will Father, please lead and guide each and every person. Please keep them all safe and free from illness. Please lead and guide those of us who are more fortunate at this time to keep our eyes and ears open as to your will.

We pray these things through thy Lord Jesus Christ name, wanting Your will to be done and not our own. Amen

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Christians Suffering? Not If the Christian is Lukewarm!

Some say we are in the end times. I suppose many have thought that..but current events and events in the Bible seem to be matching up at a mind boggling pace. In these times, should we be asking ourselves what kind of Christian we are? There are Christians that are hot, cold and lukewarm. God warns us about being this article "Christians Suffering? Not if the Christian is Lukewarm" we take a quick look at ourselves.

Please join in with your thoughts!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Christian and Pro Choice..How?

Abortion is still going strong in this country. Now, it would seem that Pres. Obama is going to sign a taxpayer paid for stem cell research bill. Babies are up for grabs and definitely at the mercy of the mother who is carrying them. But, abortion could not have gotten this far if ALL CHRISTIANS would have been in the streets letting their feelings be know years ago.

If you are Christian you MUST be Pro Life..right? Wrong. In the article Christian and Pro Choice..How? many comments at the end of the article are from Christians who state that they are Pro Choice. There reasons vary and are hard for me to digest. I invite you to read them.

I was taught that every life is valuable. Precious. Where did we ever get the idea that it wasn't? And, I wonder how the land of plenty will answer when the Lord asks us what we were doing while babies were being killed.

Tough subject. Please join in the discussion.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

A Most Faithful Boat

Enjoy a soothing poem by Dan. A Most Faithful Boat

Beautiful poem to share..thanks Linda.

I came across this beautiful poem. Please take time to read The Lord's Lamb.

Who is feeding you?

I have another blog about homesteading and homemaking and I was talking about homemade bread as a meal in hard times. That got me thinking about the bread of truth that we are all looking for. Who is feeding you? Are you being fed by a true Pastor? Are you being fed the word of God or are you being fed the thoughts of man?

In these times, we must anchor and armor ourselves in the word of God. A verse or two discussed every Sunday is not going to get me where I want to be. There is a Pastor that teaches the word of God, verse by verse and chapter by chapter. I find myself hungry to hear more.

I stopped going to church. Why? Some talked about what was going on in the news. I could have read my newspaper for that. Some would take 1 or 2 verses and make a 30-60 minute sermon on them. It feels like something is missing when we focus on only 1 or 2 verses.

I am not ashamed to say that I do not understand all that is written in the Bible. But as time goes by, the more I am in the Bible, the more I do understand. In the trials and tribulations of living at this time, I find the word of God comforting and a guiding hand.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Sometimes the path to God is a very solitary one.

I look out my window and marvel at how much God loves us to provide all the things he does. I see a vast sky and trees. I see colors that artists would love to create, but fall just short of. I see nature on this homestead and am in constant awe of it all.

But at times, the path to God can be a very solitary one. Someone else might help "bring" you to God. But the relationship is in your hands and in God's hands. Sometimes friendships suffer, sometimes family members don't understand. Sometimes you have to take stands from a moral and Biblical view and find people can be judgmental about it. And sometimes, I wonder if I will ever "get it right". It's easy for me to say I love God. But what am I willing to give up for Him? Will I choose God over the world? I pray I will. The path to God is littered with temptations.