Sunday, March 8, 2009

Who is feeding you?

I have another blog about homesteading and homemaking and I was talking about homemade bread as a meal in hard times. That got me thinking about the bread of truth that we are all looking for. Who is feeding you? Are you being fed by a true Pastor? Are you being fed the word of God or are you being fed the thoughts of man?

In these times, we must anchor and armor ourselves in the word of God. A verse or two discussed every Sunday is not going to get me where I want to be. There is a Pastor that teaches the word of God, verse by verse and chapter by chapter. I find myself hungry to hear more.

I stopped going to church. Why? Some talked about what was going on in the news. I could have read my newspaper for that. Some would take 1 or 2 verses and make a 30-60 minute sermon on them. It feels like something is missing when we focus on only 1 or 2 verses.

I am not ashamed to say that I do not understand all that is written in the Bible. But as time goes by, the more I am in the Bible, the more I do understand. In the trials and tribulations of living at this time, I find the word of God comforting and a guiding hand.

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