Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Are you hiding your talents?

Pastor Murray was teaching in Matthew. Matthew 25 talks about talents. And I was struck when he said that God would not like us hiding any of our talents. If God gives us a talent, we should be like the servants that took their talents and made double of them. Not like the one who simply buried his talent and did nothing with it.

This all got me thinking about this blog. I tend not to speak out like I should when it comes to religion. Why? because I do not want to be responsible for leading anyone astray. I believe in Jesus Christ and hope everyone turns to Him. Alas, I know that is not the way it is going to go.

So, I have decided to change this blog somewhat. I have decided to share with you my walk with Christ, my thoughts and beliefs from reading the word and hope that you will be driven to go look for yourselves. Find the truth. Don't just believe something that someone says.

Get a good working knowledge of God's word and God's plan. Matthew is an excellent place to start. Matthew 24 tells of the 7 events that will happen before Christ returns. People seem to get fouled up in this. They all think that they are going to "fly away" before things get dicey down here. The anti-Christ comes first..THEN.. Christ returns. I am sure that this subject will surface more than a few times on this blog. FIND THE TRUTH FOR YOURSELF. God wrote us a letter, it's called the Bible.

Meanwhile, if you have a talent from God. USE it and be blessed.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

We Have Promise Upon Promise Upon Promise Forever

J. David Barron has explained the 23rd psalm in this new article. I hope you all enjoy it..and I hope you all take comfort in it. Thanks M. David Barron!!

We Have Promise Upon Promise Upon Promise Forever

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Moral Attitude

When we are thinking our judgmental thoughts..do we ever put ourselves in the other persons shoes? Most times we do not. How many people have each of us hurt in our quest to be "righteous"? Please take the time to read Cathy A. Montville's article :

Moral Attitude by Cathy A. Montville

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Where was God?

Where was God? We always hear that when a disaster of some sort happens. It always pains me to hear people wonder where God is/was. The answer? God is right there..right in the middle of whatever is going on..trying to help those who are in need, those who are searching for Him.

Bad things are in this world..Satan never seems to tire. But, just as tireless is God. And, God is here for us. He's ready to give us courage and strength. He's ready to give us healing and safety. He's right here and He's right next to you..are we acknowledging Him? Are we asking Him for help? Are we asking in faith because we KNOW God is with us ready to help? OR, are we asking in fear and asking "just in case" God is real and we need some help?

Bad things are always going to happen until Jesus comes back. That's just the way it is. But, if you have faith in the Lord, He WILL help you through these times.

Here is a story on the anniversary of what some call the 500 year flood. I hope it inspires you..I hope it shows you what God is doing and where God is when things all around us are going so terribly wrong.

Where was God when the Floods of 2008 Came? by Bobby Tall Horse

Picture by Bobby Tall Horse
Flood waters covering many thousands of acres of farm land near Oakville, Iowa.

Friday, June 12, 2009

The Cross is Still Divine

The Cross is Still Divine by Debby Alten

What a wonderful, thoughtful and uplifting poem. Thanks Debby!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

God's Got Your Back

What a delightful and uplifting thought..God's got your back! This poem by Arkay Evans reminds me of just how faithful God is to us. Even when we are not paying attention, not walking the path, maybe back sliding in our journey of faith..God's got your back. Please read this wonderful poem and enjoy!

God's Got Your Back by Arkay Evans

Credit: Microsoft
© Microsoft

Friday, June 5, 2009


A more powerful poem would be hard to find. I can't even do this poem justice by commenting on it. Please read and absorb :

Daughter by Linda Louise Johnson

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Be Yourself..."Not"

This article by Leroy Hargrove is a wonderful way to take a new look at how we look at ourselves..how we excuse away our non-Christian actions and words. I invite you with a joyful heart to read

Be Yourself..."Not" by Leroy Hargrove

you will be so glad you did!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Murder of an abortion doctor..

I'm sure you are all aware that a famous abortion doctor was recently shot in his church. I admit freely that this case has me caught between right and wrong. But I find it highly ironic. I mean a man gets shot. Why? Because he has committed THOUSANDS of abortions. What is an abortion? It is the killing of unborn babies.

Do I think the doctor should have been shot? No. But, I am pro-life. I think with every fiber of my being that that doctor committed what amounts to a Holocaust on the unborn of this world. THOUSANDS were killed by his hands.

It is rich that people who support the doctor always turn to pro life people and say "hey, if you believe babies shouldn't be killed, how can you think putting anyone to death is okay?" Well, first off..babies are INNOCENT. It's just that simple. They have committed no sin and an abortion doctor is committing murder when he takes their life. Have we become so hardened, so used to hearing lies and excuses that we think what the doctor is doing, by committing abortion, is okay? Can we REALLY find justification? Or, is it all about being selfish. Is it all about convenience? I don't have the answers.

The man who shot the abortion doctor evidently thought he was doing the world ie. the unborn babies a favor. I am sure he will be punished to the limit of the law. It is too bad that people have to take the route of killing a person in order to get that person to stop killing babies.

I hope this is an isolated incident. I hope that as the economy and other woes befall this country, that people of faith will not look at abortion/abortionists and think that that is the way to turn God back towards our country. I do believe that God is furious at this country for allowing abortion to be legal. I do think He will take away the favor that has always been ours to enjoy (and let's face it..take for granted).

We can only blame ourselves for this whole situation. Some were too vocal..some were too silent..and some did not want to be involved at all. We too will reap what we have sown. The doctor of abortion has.