Pastor Murray was teaching in Matthew. Matthew 25 talks about talents. And I was struck when he said that God would not like us hiding any of our talents. If God gives us a talent, we should be like the servants that took their talents and made double of them. Not like the one who simply buried his talent and did nothing with it.
This all got me thinking about this blog. I tend not to speak out like I should when it comes to religion. Why? because I do not want to be responsible for leading anyone astray. I believe in Jesus Christ and hope everyone turns to Him. Alas, I know that is not the way it is going to go.
So, I have decided to change this blog somewhat. I have decided to share with you my walk with Christ, my thoughts and beliefs from reading the word and hope that you will be driven to go look for yourselves. Find the truth. Don't just believe something that someone says.
Get a good working knowledge of God's word and God's plan. Matthew is an excellent place to start. Matthew 24 tells of the 7 events that will happen before Christ returns. People seem to get fouled up in this. They all think that they are going to "fly away" before things get dicey down here. The anti-Christ comes first..THEN.. Christ returns. I am sure that this subject will surface more than a few times on this blog. FIND THE TRUTH FOR YOURSELF. God wrote us a letter, it's called the Bible.
Meanwhile, if you have a talent from God. USE it and be blessed.
The Road Less Traveled
9 years ago