I'm sure you are all aware that a famous abortion doctor was recently shot in his church. I admit freely that this case has me caught between right and wrong. But I find it highly ironic. I mean a man gets shot. Why? Because he has committed THOUSANDS of abortions. What is an abortion? It is the killing of unborn babies.
Do I think the doctor should have been shot? No. But, I am pro-life. I think with every fiber of my being that that doctor committed what amounts to a Holocaust on the unborn of this world. THOUSANDS were killed by his hands.
It is rich that people who support the doctor always turn to pro life people and say "hey, if you believe babies shouldn't be killed, how can you think putting anyone to death is okay?" Well, first off..babies are INNOCENT. It's just that simple. They have committed no sin and an abortion doctor is committing murder when he takes their life. Have we become so hardened, so used to hearing lies and excuses that we think what the doctor is doing, by committing abortion, is okay? Can we REALLY find justification? Or, is it all about being selfish. Is it all about convenience? I don't have the answers.
The man who shot the abortion doctor evidently thought he was doing the world ie. the unborn babies a favor. I am sure he will be punished to the limit of the law. It is too bad that people have to take the route of killing a person in order to get that person to stop killing babies.
I hope this is an isolated incident. I hope that as the economy and other woes befall this country, that people of faith will not look at abortion/abortionists and think that that is the way to turn God back towards our country. I do believe that God is furious at this country for allowing abortion to be legal. I do think He will take away the favor that has always been ours to enjoy (and let's face it..take for granted).
We can only blame ourselves for this whole situation. Some were too vocal..some were too silent..and some did not want to be involved at all. We too will reap what we have sown. The doctor of abortion has.
The Road Less Traveled
9 years ago
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