I was out in the garden, in the onions to be exact. What a bounty! I have never had onions like this before. Big deal? Yes, to us. When we planted the garden I asked for a blessing on it. So that it would feed us and hopefully have enough to share with others. I'm not that great of a gardener, I know my limits. And yet, here are these beautiful onions. I praised God and thanked Him. Why? The bounty was God's to give me and He did.
It seems that people are oh so willing to cry out to God when things are in a mess..I know I do. It seems that when things do NOT turn out the way that they want..they are quick to cry foul against the Lord. Some pray and don't think they are getting anything in return.
I have a question..Have you thanked God lately? Have you gotten up in the morning and thanked God for the mere ability to rise and be in good health? Did you thank God for the breakfast you made or had the ability to buy this morning? Did something great happen today at work or home and you screamed "thank you Lord!" with a huge smile on your face? Did you look at your family last night..safe..free from illness..fed and with a roof over their head and say "thank you God!"?
If not, why not? Do you have a friend or relative that is always asking for help in one way or another? Do they forget to say thank you? Have you given gifts to people with no thank you following it? How did you feel?
I think people forget that God has feelings. Some of gladness, some of sadness, some of anger. Which are you feeding? Are you being a taker of God's gifts without thanks? If so, are you ready to lose those gifts?
I believe there is a point where God gets tired, angry, saddened and discouraged over people being selfish. How long would you put up with it? How long should God put up with it?
Have you thanked God lately? If not .. why not?